God’s Word Can Help You Make Decisions

In life, we all have to make decisions. Just like me, I’m sure that you too want to be able to make good decisions. God’s Word can help you. Maybe you’re someone who believes that the Bible is just a historic book and isn’t relevant for day-to-day life. On the other hand, there are those […]

How to Develop Fruit of the Spirit

Every true believer wants to be the best person they can be, they want to develop the fruit of the Spirit. The challenging part is actually knowing how godly fruit develops and also seeing that fruit impact other people’s lives. Have you ever tried to grow in patience, self-control, love or any of the nine […]

Why do bad things keep happening to me?

When challenges keep coming up, you will probably wonder why do bad things keep happening to me. It probably feels like you’re being targetted. Like someone is out to get you. It’s quite a scary place to be. However, when you discover the truth about why bad things are happening to you, you’ll be equipped […]