The Heart of the Believer

Do you feel like you're missing out on a better life and want to experience God and His promises?

Purchase The Heart of the Believer and watch the Holy Spirit transform your mind, allowing you to see the promises fulfilled in Jesus.

When you read The Heart of the Believer,

You will be guided towards Jesus. 

Many believers struggle to experience God and His promises of peace, successful relationships, healing and a life of purpose. The truths shared in The Heart of the Believer will guide you towards Jesus, allowing you to see the change that has taken place in your heart and helping your mind to be renewed, as you see God's promises effortlessly take place in your life.

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Purchase your copy of The Heart of the Believer and begin your journey to receiving from God.

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Watch the truths in this book change your heart

As you read, listen to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to your heart and He will give you direction.

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See God's promises effortlessly take place in your life

See God restore your mind. See restored relationships and healing.

Jump into The Heart of the Believer,

Leading you to Him and His promises.

Book Release Coming Soon!

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We understand that no one has explained the importance of your heart and the role it plays in you receiving from God.

I have been there, but God has since passed on this understanding and I have seen many of God's promises in my life.

Stop living a frustrated passive life where you are missing out on God's best. Instead allow your mind to be transformed,  so that you can live a fulfilled life, experiencing all of God's promises.

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Auld Ministries

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