The majority of people do not want to be anxious about their lives, they want to be at peace. Even when things aren’t going according to plan, people still want to have peace of mind. I want you to know that it is possible! You can be at peace even when circumstances seem to be kicking you about.

I’m sure you know the feeling of anxiety very well. That sense of unrest, constant worry as though everything is going to fall apart at any minute. To add to that pressure, society has made you feel like you have to fix the situations around you before you can find peace of mind. I’m here to tell you, that’s not true.

I too am familiar with anxiety. Only recently, whilst at work, a wave of uneasiness came over me. My heart beat had increased and my mind could no longer focus on the task I was doing. Though this felt like it lasted about 5mins, it was probably more like 50 seconds. The thing is, immediately once I noticed this unsettled feeling, I began praying in the Spirit. I continued there for around 10mins when I noticed my focus had returned and my heart rate felt normal again. In that moment of anxiety, I had a decision to make. Was I going to give in to anxiety or was I going to give anxiety to the Lord? I chose the latter, and as a result, peace rose up within me. This is what I desire for you.

What does the Lord say about anxiety?

Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life.
Matt 6:25a (AMPC)

Jesus tells us to stop being anxious about our lives. From this, we know that anxiety is not helpful for us. I’m sure you agree.

26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?… 32 For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.
Matt 6:26, 32 (NKJV)

In verse 26, Jesus explains further that it is your heavenly Father that feeds the birds. Take a moment to picture this. You may be married, but even if you’re not, just imagine your husband who loves you so dearly is a multi-millionaire. Every time the next-door neighbour’s son comes around to play with your children, your husband gives him £100! If the little boy comes around three times a week, that’s £300 your husband is giving out just because he desires to. How odd would it be if you had a £200 bill to pay and you didn’t tell your husband about it? Instead, you increased in worry and anxiety trying to work out how you were going to pay that bill. It shows that there’s a lack of awareness of either your husband’s love for you or his abundance of wealth.

This is the key thing that Jesus is wanting to communicate through these two verses. He wants us to be aware of our heavenly Father. When we live without an awareness of our heavenly Father, His love for us, and His desire to bless us, we remain in this place of anxiety.

Jesus says it is the Gentiles (or today we would use the term unbelievers), who focus on their needs and wonder how those needs will be met. Unbelievers have not submitted themselves to the heavenly Father. They are unaware of His love and provision and that is why they are so focussed on getting their needs met. Jesus reminds us, the believers, to entrust our needs to our Father because He knows exactly what we need.

Based on these scriptures, anxiety is the worry that comes from looking to ourselves and/or the world to provide. Anxiety comes from a lack of awareness of God.

Related: FREE PDF Scripture Guide to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

What is God’s way to be at peace?

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

Through developing a relationship with God, you will keep your mind on your heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit will regularly remind you that you have a heavenly Father who loves you and has an unlimited supply of whatever you need.

When you keep your heavenly Father on your mind, He keeps you in perfect peace.

You tell anxiety where to go when you are consciously aware of your Father’s love and provision. It’s as though you are constantly reminding yourself that you cannot fail because God is on your side.

So, what is God’s way to be at peace? It is to grow in relationship with Him, consciously being aware of your Father’s love and provision.

Developing a relationship with your heavenly Father

We have established that you cannot keep yourself in peace, and neither can you find your own peace. Peace is a result of keeping your mind on God and your relationship with Him is foundational to that process.

When anxiety came knocking on my door recently and I made the decision to pray in the Spirit, it was the Lord reminding me to take that action. When we have a relationship with God, God speaks to us and shows us what to do.

I’ve written a 30-day devotional of intentional steps toward Jesus. This devotional is all about developing relationship and intimacy with God. Not only is it based on scripture, but it also takes you on a journey from overcoming any barriers that may seem like they’re in the way of you and God. To focussing on being in His presence, to connecting deeply with your Father through the Spirit. It is this deep spiritual awareness of God’s presence that will keep you in peace. If this devotional book sounds like it’s just what you need, you can purchase yours here.

Related: Closer to Him – 30-Day Devotional

No matter what is going on in your life, you truly can experience God’s peace when you keep your mind on Him.

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