It’s common to look at yourself or your behaviour and wonder ‘when will I truly be like Jesus, when will I be changed into the image of Christ?’. Frustration sometimes develops and it’s all because you know that God desires more for you.

You’re not alone. I certainly haven’t made it but I do know that God placed this blog article on my heart to help. So, how can believers be changed into the same image of Jesus?

I want to preface this article by briefly explaining that our Spirit is already the same spirit of Jesus Christ. The change that we desire must take place in the soul and body. You can read more about spirit, soul and body in ‘What does it mean to have identity in Christ?‘.

As a young child in church, I recall hearing a scripture quite often, yet I had no idea what it meant. It was only recently that I began to apply some understanding of the scripture. There is such a certainty in my heart that this scripture you are about to read is the answer to how we are to be changed into the image of Jesus Christ. I would love to share this with you.

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV

See God’s glory

The scripture speaks of a veil. The veil represents distance. When Moses saw the glory of the Lord, Moses was unable to stand before the people without a veil over his face. The people were not worthy enough to see the glory of God. This was under the Old Covenant before the death of Jesus Christ. However, we no longer have to cover our faces with a veil because Jesus has made us holy and righteous. The first part of the above scripture communicates to us that we now have the opportunity to see God’s glory.

We are changed into the image of what we worship

The scripture continues to explain that the more of God’s glory that we see, the more that we are changed into that very same image of glory. A few years ago, I listened to a teaching series by Bishop Hugh D. Smith called Personal Redemption. In one of these sermons, he encourages us to pick a particular aspect of God to worship. As we exalt that aspect of God we are changed into that same image. 

So, the more that I worship God as the source of love, the more that his loving nature becomes evident in my life. We become like what we worship.

As a result of this teaching, I have been challenging myself to focus on worshipping just one aspect of God for a season. I know that I will see that aspect of Him becoming more and more visible in my life.

Who or what will you worship?

You could worship Him as the God of love, joy, peace, patience, healing, grace, forgiveness, righteousness, holiness. Spend time in the Word learning about that aspect of God, then watch as you are changed into the same image of Jesus.

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