When challenges keep coming up, you will probably wonder why do bad things keep happening to me. It probably feels like you’re being targetted. Like someone is out to get you. It’s quite a scary place to be. However, when you discover the truth about why bad things are happening to you, you’ll be equipped and confident to keep going in life.

It wasn’t long ago when I experienced three colds over the course of eight weeks. I too was wondering why does this cold keep coming back? Despite my wondering, I knew the truth about exactly why this was happening. I want to help you to know the truth about why bad things are happening to you.

The devil is trying to steal the Word

And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.
Mark 4:15

Mark 4 documents Jesus teaching the disciples about the seed. The seed represents the word of God. When a person sows the Word in their heart, maybe through hearing teaching, reading the Bible, praying, or speaking the Word; Satan comes to steal it. He comes to steal the word of God that was sown.

It will seem like you are specifically being targetted. Rather, he knows that you are in possession of something powerful and he wants to stop you from using it. If Satan can send people to offend you, sickness to hurt you, and situations to block you, he’ll do it. Bad things are happening to you because the devil is trying to steal the word from you. Nonetheless, he cannot win against you. You have Jesus on your side!

You have something of great value

The next thing to think about is that the devil doesn’t bother taking things that are not important. He puts in a lot of effort because he is stealing something very valuable, something that can change your life.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

The Word is God’s power that brings us salvation, happiness, love, good health, wealth, and many other blessings. The Word is the truth that sets us free. Jesus is the embodiment of the Word, but it doesn’t have much impact unless we sincerely accept it into our hearts. That’s why the enemy tries to create situations that prevent us from fully embracing the Word.

The Word is valuable, and you must guard it.

Keep going, don’t surrender.

20 But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
Mark 4:20

Just like growing a plant, the goal is to sow the seed, wait some time and see the plant blossom. In your life, you also want to see some fruit. Therefore, it is important not to give up. Even though the circumstances will try to get you off track or push you to give into temptation, keep looking unto Jesus. As you continue sowing the Word and watering it with thanksgiving, you will see your victory!

Remember Jesus has already overcome the world (John 16:33) and destroyed the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). As you continue leaning into the Lord, He gives you the strength to do all things (Phil 4:13).

Just as Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to withstand the devil’s temptations, you too must be baptised with the Holy Spirit. In yourself, you don’t have the strength or willpower to win against the enemy, but with the Spirit of Jesus Christ on the inside of you, there’s really nothing you can’t do. Learn how to receive the Holy Spirit.

If you’re already baptised with the Holy Spirit, deepening your intimacy with God will also help you to stand firm when the enemy comes knocking. I wrote this 30-day devotional to help you remain focussed on Jesus.

Don’t let small problems and obstacles stop you from making progress. Keep pushing forward. Remember to click the links above to help you stay strong in your faith, even when difficult situations try to steal the Word from your heart.

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